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AIO multi-function abutment
AIO abutment's high accurate library match with scanning digital data

What is AIO?

All-in-One abutment, we call it AIO.  AIO is a digital dental product, and it have four functions (healing function, scanning function,impression function, analog function), Base on its multi funtions, AIO could replace several components(healing abutment,scanbody,impression post, analog), this will help dentist save components cost.

What AIO could do?

Because AIO have different functions, when used AIO in implant surgery, AIO could help dentist to simplify the workflow.
How AIO could help to simplify surgery workflow? when use AIO in implant surgery, one AIO abutment could finish all the procedures: use AIO to do bone and tisstue healing, take impression, do oral scanning, no need to install and remove different components again and again, only one AIO is enough. AIO really help to save treatment time,  also decrease patients' treatment pain, give patients good treatment experience.

Here is a case that use AIO to scanning and get digital data:

AIO library matching:AIO library match with scanning library

AIO library deviation checking: deviation ≤0.05mm,AIO library match with scanning data very well.

Use the scanning data to design tissue, model, individual abutment and crown, try in individual abutment on the model, everything fits well, delivery to clients.